just me

Welcome to havensheart! I named this blog after my new business. Which, as a divorced 40 year old, was really the start of my new life. I’m going to share some of the ‘is it just me’ dating adventures I have and maybe find the courage to share some of my darker life stories. Personally speaking, I feel more at ease when I know it’s not ‘just me’ in both the humor and the horrific.

A little about me. I’ve had more downs than ups in relationships which has left me with anxiety issues, sleep issues, and various other things ending in the word issue. I fight my demons every day and have learned to co-exist with them…more or less. (the demons need cuddles too after all). When I ended my marriage I took a break from dating for over a year. I’m just now putting my toe in the online dating pool which is a world all its own. I’ve been hanging out in the shallow end of the pool for a quick escape…my new rule is that if I find my cat more engaging company they don’t get a second date.

So come back and visit while I try to find humor in life’s little traumas.



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