Not ok cupid.

I took a long break from dating after my divorce. Everyone has an opinion if that’s good or bad for you to do, but it’s what I did. When I finally decided I didn’t want to die alone with an apartment full of cats, I entered into the online dating world. I used to use online dating as a fun way to go out all the time…how different could it be now? As a self proclaimed workaholic, I have a hard time meeting people. And waiting for my Prince Charming to just knock on my door one day, ready to start our lives together, gets boring. I want to have fun!

I am a firm believer in chemistry. If I don’t feel a connection in person, let’s not waste each other’s time. So I don’t do the lengthy getting to know ya’s online. Which led to my first online date. We met for a hike, because I’m a multitasker and needed my workout. We went out for the longest hour of my life. He told me about his ex, his health conditions, and that people at work call him Dahmer behind his back. I will never get that hour back.

I am an optimist I believe at heart. So I went out again for drinks. This boy greatly disliked women. We argued most of the date. He told me he never planned on marrying because women just leave you and take your money and home. He doesn’t pay for a date because that’s what guys do when they want sex… and he’s good without. And women on their periods should stay home rather than go to work and take it out on the men there. I ended our date. I sent a text to my friend about how bad this date was… it mistakenly went to him. Awkward! He messaged me a few days later. Are we not going out again? I thought… were we on two different dates that he thinks that’s a viable option?!

And then there was Mr Tall Dark and Handsome. Felt the sparks…yes I did. Then I googled him and read all the police reports on him… seriously, wtf. I texted him and asked if he ever googled himself, because I did. Weirdly he never responded to that text…

I have not given up on online dating. There were a few nice boys that were just not a match. And I know many couples who have met, married, and found their soul mate online. This all gives my little optimistic heart hope for my happy ending. I’m still planning on my Prince Charming just showing up one day and saying ‘scoot those cats over, I’m here at last!’.

haven ~

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